- Choose a Capability
- Aqueous Cleaning
- CNC Bending
- CNC Coiling
- CMM & 5 Axes Laser Measuring
- Engineering & Tool Design
- Fittings Installed /
End Preparations Performed - Facilities
- Inventory & Logistics
- Kitting
- Lean Manufacturing
- Machining
- Magnetic Forming
- Non Destructive Testing
- Precision Cleaning Facility
- Precision Laser Cutting
- Proof Pressure Testing
& Auto Frettage - Part Marking, I.D. & Label
- Quality & Inspection
- Rapid Proto-Typing
& Fixture Cell - Sheet Metal Fabrication
- Welding

CNC Bending
CNC Tube-Duct Bending.
- Diameter Capability (0.125” through 3.5”)
- Material types (Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Titanium, Inconel and many others)
We can manufacture and bend product using any of the below means of customer criteria.
- 3D models (automatic filters to extract the tube's coordinate data) download
- Coordinate data (XYZ-LRA) download
- Sample parts (reverse engineered by laser scanning the sample part to create new bend geometry)
- Assembly fixtures (probe-reverse engineer by laser probing the fixture to create new bend geometry)
STEICO Industries Inc utilizes state of the art, CNC tube-Duct bending equipment in a direct-electronic and closed loop system. This system includes engineering desk tops, central data base, all 5 Axes laser measuring machines, all CNC tube benders.
Auto-Frettage is accomplished through a closed loop electronic system as well where the customers final coordinate data is developed and entered at the engineering stage, our closed loop custom software and system creates new coordinate data for the bending operation anticipating the spring back after pressure testing to customer requirements. Parts are laser measured after bending to the pre auto-frettage bend data prior to pressure testing.
Parts are then pressure tested to customer requirements and re-measured to customer supplied requirements with a full coordinate data acceptance report being generated and printed.
- Bend tooling utilized
STEICO has developed a unique combination of non metallic bend tools for all diameters. The materials and configurations integrate the latest evolution of lean processes and reduce set up time, run time and dramatically improve quality. While some tools are still metallic they are being phased out as STEICO developed new tooling concepts.